Fish Tacos


6 inch tortilla wraps (soft taco shells)
Panko breaded tilapia (Frozen is fine)
1 poblano pepper
Part of 1 onion


1. Cook panko breaded tilapia. (If using frozen panko breaded tilapia, one tilapia made the two tacos seen in the picture
2. When fish has about 5 minutes left to cook, dice pepper and enough onion so that you have a mixture of about 60% pepper, 40% onion.
3. Fry diced pepper and onion in a little oil until onions are translucent.
4. Warm tortilla wraps in microwave or on stove.
5. Cut or break apart fish into chunks.
6. Fill tortilla wraps with fish, pepper and onion, and spread pesto across the top.