

1 lb ground beef
1 package of taco seasoning
Shredded lettuce
Colby Jack cheese
Fresh salsa (pico de gallo)
10 oz chunky guacamole
Hard taco shells
Large soft taco shells


1. Cook ground beef. Drain fat and add taco seasoning and 2/3 cup of water to make taco meat.
2. Put a frying pan on the stove and set it to low (2-3). Preheat the oven to 200 or keep warm.
3. Put a soft taco on a plate. Add 2 spoonfuls of taco meat. (Should fill a circle with a diameter of about 2 inches in the middle of the soft taco.)
4. Cover the taco meat in lettuce.
5. Break the hard taco shell into a few large pieces and cover the lettuce with the hard taco shell pieces.
6. Cover the broken shell with 1 spoonful of guacamole, 1 spoonful of fresh salsa and enough cheese to cover the mixture in the middle of the soft taco.
7. Gently fold two opposite sides of the soft taco in, completely covering the mixture in the middle. Gently fold the remaining two sides and carefully place the soft taco in the frying pan with the folded sides down.
8. While the soft taco is sealing shut in the frying pan, repeat steps 3-7 to create another taco. 9. Once each taco has sealed shut, move it to the air fryer and cook for 3 minutes per side. (Air fryer replacement suggested under the note header below the picture.)
10. Once each taco has finished cooking in the air fryer, move it to the oven to stay warm until all the tacos are done.

Timing Note: Typically, it takes about the same amount of time to seal one taco as it does to create the next one, so I usually make one, start it sealing, make another, add it to the pan and can then move the first one to the air fryer and start making another.


Instead of using an air fryer, you could cook it in the frying pan for longer, flipping it to brown both sides. Another option would be to move it to the oven after sealing it shut and cooking it for some amount of time until you decide it is done.